Lilian Hollannista ilahdutti päivääni tänään tällä:
I had so much joy to receive this from Lilian from Holland:

Tämä lumiukko on pistelty aivan ihanalla tekniikalla! Nuo siniset osat ovat taustakangasta, joka näkyy päällikaassa olevien aukkojen kautta. Enlanniksi tämä on "Cutwork", jos se jotain sanoo jollekin.
This snowman is stitched using a wonderful technique! The blue parts are the lining, which you can see from holes in the coverfabric. This kind of stitching is called "Cutwork", hope it tells you more than I know what to tell.

Taustalla on ihana lumiukkonappi sekä "Ajattele lunta" napit. Lilian on neulonut ihanan miniatyyrisukan avaimenperäksi. Löytyipä kuoresta vielä pieni sammakko :D (valitettavasti sammakosta ei ole kuvaa)
On the back of the envelope is a snowmanbutton and also "Think Snow" buttons. Lilian had knitted this lovely miniature sock for a keyring. I also found a little green frog in the envelope :D (unfortunately I don't have a picture of it)
Kiitos Lilian todella isosti tästä ihanasta kirjekuoresta!
Thank You Lilian so very much for this wonderful envelope!